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- Way 11 - Part 2
- -- Islam and the Muslims
- ╥Muhammad is the Messenger of God,
- and those who are with him are hard against the unbelievers,
- merciful one to another. Thou seest them bowing, prostrating,
- seeking bounty from God and good pleasure.
- Their mark is on their faces, the trace of prostration. . . .
- God has promised those of them who believe and do deeds
- of righteousness, forgiveness and a mighty wage.╙
- Qur'an. Victory 48:35
- -- Israel and Islam
- ╥The view of Jerusalem is the history of the world;
- it is more, it is the history of earth and of heaven.╥
- Benjamin Disraeli (1804-81), English statesman, author.
- Tancred, bk. 3, ch. 4 (1847)
- -- Israel
- ╥For in the division of the nations of the whole earth she set a ruler over every people; but
- Israel is the Lord's portion: whom, being her firstborn, she nourisheth with discipline, and
- giving her the light of her love doth not forsake her. Therefore all their works are as the sun
- before her, and her eyes are continually upon their ways.╙
- Apocrypha - Ecclesiasticus 17:17:9
- -- Christianity and the Christians
- ╥Christianity has operated with an unmitigated arrogance and cruelty necessarily,
- since a religion ordinarily imposes on those who have discovered the true faith the spiritual
- duty of liberating the infidels.╥
- James Baldwin (1924-87), US author.
- "Letter from a Region in My Mind," in New Yorker
- ╥But as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard,
- neither have entered into the heart of man,
- the things which God hath prepared for them that love her.╙
- The Bible: New Testament.
- 1 Corinthians 2:9
- -- Children of the Books
- ╥If all the world╘s religions would put half the energy into understanding one other, as they
- do in proving the other's beliefs false, then perhaps the task at hand would be that much
- easier. Ah well, they are just children after all. Forgive them mother, for they know not
- what they do... still. It is time that the Children of Ab-ram, all his children, acted like the
- brothers and sisters they truly are. It is time for the hurting, and the killing to end. Lest
- both be forsaken in the eyes of the One. How many times must Cain slay Abel? How many
- times must paradise be withdrawn from your grasp, taken away by your own hand? The
- New JA-Sa-Lam, will not be in the Holy Land, but a land to the north, with a people who
- will love her more, and respect her laws.╥
- Ma-Di
- Thoughts on a cool summer╘s day. August, 1995
- To all the Children of the Books, and all those of the Way, it is good to be with you
- again. I am going to answer one of the most frequently asked questions by those who have
- read The Way installments ╤ ╥Why was Way - 11 not released, and what did it contain?╙
- There were two main reasons. First, the content of Way - 11, part one, was such that it
- would have caused much turmoil and confusion within Islam, at a time when Islam itself is
- finding a new course. Many religions hitherto hostile toward Islam, have begun to extend
- the olive branch of peace. This process is too important to be interrupted. Secondly, Way -
- 11, part 2, had already been released, and read by all of you. What? That's right. Way -
- 11, part 2, has already been released and all of you have read it. You see, my friends, all of
- the Way installments, ARE Way - 11, part 2. Allow me to explain. I think you will find
- this revealing.
- Some of the Way installments dealt with Massiah Projects (no, that isn╒t a
- typographical error). These, of course, were the special people chosen by the DOMA to
- teach mankind the word of God ╤ Buddha, Jesus, and finally, MAhammad, the last
- Prophet of God. Each of these great men brought to the world a little piece of the puzzle.
- They left you a little more aware, a little more human, a little more closer to the One. Each
- of these men knew that it would be a long time before E-hums were capable of taking all
- the knowledge they had given them, and making it a reality in their lives. There was simply
- too much growing up to do, in terms of scientific knowledge, social development, and
- spiritual evolvement. You were simply not ready then to learn of your true origins, nor of
- the DOMA. So, they spoke to you in terms that you could understand, in parables, and
- metaphors, and mysteries to be solved at a later time. That time has now arrived.
- In Way - 10, I gave you proof as to the authenticity of my words... for the very
- first time, revealing the true meaning of the Book of Revelations. It turned out to be a
- testament to the past, not a prediction of the future. I also gave you the secret to decoding
- the cryptic words prefacing certain chapters of the Kor-An (Qur╒an). Each of these were the
- actual names of the DOMA ╥goddess╙ who were responsible for the chapter╘s content.
- Only those chapters may be considered divine knowledge given to man by those above.
- The DOMA sent these great teachers, these Prophets of the One, to partially repay the great
- debt they owed you. Their genetic manipulations forced you away from the path of the
- One. The teachers they sent were intended to teach you how to get back on that path. To
- show you the Way.
- All of these teachers promised to prepare for you a place where they now dwell.
- They promised never to forsake you, never to forget you, and never to truly leave you.
- Starting with Jesus, they promised to one day make all things known. Jesus said that he
- spoke in parables, because at the time, it was all that you could understand. He promised to
- one day send someone, someone who would not speak in parables, but in plain,
- understandable words. That person would reinforce all that he had said and done, and
- bring to you all that was forgotten. MAhammad, through Islam, made the same promise.
- One day a man would come to set right what had been perverted, and misconstrued. That
- man would tell you of the true nature of the Books, and of the Children of the Books, and
- that you are those children. He would tell you of the great females who long ago brought
- the wisdom and laws of God, the One, to mankind through the prophets. This man would
- show you that all the great religions are, in reality, pieces of a greater united religion. That
- religion is the Way, and the person who would bring this knowledge to you was clearly
- spoken of, even by his very name. That person╘s name was to be ╥Sent By the Moon,╥ the
- ╥Mahdi.╥ That prophecy is now fulfilled. The end of Way - 11, part 1, would have
- introduced the legend of Mahdi. This legend says that one day, the great goddess would
- send a man to reveal the true nature and connectedness of all that came before. That
- goddess was known by her symbol, the Moon, and hence, the person sent, was ╥sent by
- the Moon,╥ the Mahdi. Way - 11, part two, is the message that Mahdi was to give to the
- world. He was to tell mankind of the Collective, the DOMA, and of all that was done to
- mankind. He was to bring remembrance of all that was forgotten, and make the one true
- religion, the search for the path to the One, known by its true name once again. He was to
- destroy the lies of the past, and give mankind the truth, which is the path of the future.
- The Phoenix has risen. The Way is once again being sought on this world. It is the
- Way that Mahdi was to bring back into remembrance, and it is the Way that I have
- delivered to you. Way - 11, part 2, consists of all the Way installments, and you have
- already read them. Those who would wish to stop you from learning the truth are too late.
- That which was given to you can never be taken again. This is the Way of Ma-Di. That
- which The Moon, MaRaAsh, promised, is now being fulfilled.
- So now what? For those of you who have fully realized the meaning of all I said
- above, this question must be burning in your minds. For those who don't believe what I
- have said, it does not offend me, nor does it matter that you believe. From this day
- forward, this world will be of two kinds of people. Those who are of the world, and all its
- trappings... and those who are of the Way, and know there is more to life. Much, much
- more. If you are of the Way, then join us on a journey into the future. If you are not, then
- simply go on with the past, and all it has to offer you. Read no further. Eat, work, sleep,
- pray, reproduce, but be ready, so that which is to come doesn╒t catch you unprepared.
- Now, for those who are of the Way, it begins.
- I am nothing. Certainly not a massiah, nor am I a prophet. That is the old ways.
- The Way is of you! Your future, your path, your destiny. Beside this great task, and all
- that you will achieve together, by your own hands, I am like dust. You are the future! You
- are the Way!!!!! I will not lead you by the hand as a child, for you are no longer children. I
- can help, but it is you who must reach out for your destiny. The Way installments must
- continue, but in a much greater, and much more meaningful manner. They must be
- interactive, and of your own hands. You are about to partake of the final promise given to
- man by the DOMA. They have given you something which was promised long ago. They
- have given the last and final Book, a book which the Children of the Books will write with
- their own hearts and minds. The Torah, the Testament, The KorAn, were all of the Great
- Books, but the greatest of them all, is the one you are about to write yourselves. The Way
- mailing list is much more than a simple mailing list. It is the final Book, for it is an
- interactive Book. All the Books that have gone before, although they contain great
- knowledge, wisdom, and truths, are static. They will grow no further. The Way ╥Book╙ is
- alive, and unlike the older Books, this one will allow you to directly interact and be a part
- of its construction. As long as you are, as long as you grow, it will grow with you.
- Consider the Way your interactive, personal Bible, Torah, or KorAn.
- Do you understand the power in this? Do you really? No, you do not, for only by
- doing will the full magnitude of what you are about to accomplish be revealed to you. Only
- later on will you begin to see what true power is, for true power is the power of truth, and
- truth is what we are about to seek.
- Where do you begin? In any undertaking, a clear and defined goal is required for
- success. Here is the goal to which you must devote your energies. You must unite all the
- religions of the world into One Unified Path, One Way. The Way must be for all to use.
- You must prepare this world for the coming of the DOMA. These are your goals.
- Use the Way mailing list to reach as many of your fellow Way brothers and sisters
- as you can. Use the Way Web site as a repository for your newfound wisdom, so that all
- may learn from it. You now have the technology, tools and yes, the wisdom, to accomplish
- what I have spoken about. Were you not told all these things you would do, and more? I,
- and the DOMA will be here, as always.
- The path is shown, the Way is clear. It is up to you to make it so.
- The End of the Beginning,
- Peace and Blessed Be,
- Ma-Di
- Sent by the Moon, Who is Thunder, MaRaAsh